Sunday, December 13, 2009

9/11 Coincidence Conspiracy

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15


Friday, November 27, 2009

Evolution of Religion

Ancient mankind during the Neolithic times worshipped Sun as their almighty. Slowly they started realizing worshipping their ancestors too would be appropriate considering their importance. Their graves in the form of Menhir and Dolman became the centre of worship. Slowly the practice of animal sacrifice liked by their elders evolved. The common animals sacrificed were goat, pig, and even cow.

The worship of dolman or menhirs slowly was given up as the wise men decided that this practice would prove costly for mankind. The site for burials would slowly outgrown the settlement for habitat. The practice of burial was replaced by burning the bodies with rituals. The priests took over to influence the minds of the people. They decided that inorder to propagate their philosophy some myths had to be created. Thus was born in the infant stage the worship of the Linga. Linga shaped stones were available in the river bed, they were bought and installed. These Linga’s formed the symbol or representation of Lord Shiva.

Buddhism : At the age of 29 Siddharta ( 563 – 483 BC ) left the palace to meet his subjects and was exposed to the pain of death, disease and old age. These events left a lasting impression on the young prince and he decided to seek answers to the mystery of life and birth along with religious practices. He observed many a drawbacks in the primitive Hindu religion. On attainment of enlightment Buddha decided to follow the middle path in personal life.

The followers of Hindu had divided the society vide caste system, which was a bane particularly when it came to Sudras, who by profession were scavengers, burial attendants, fishermen, hunters, labourers etc. They became untouchables. The Buddhist sangha which was formed to spread the religion far and wide started enrolling the masses with the teachings of Buddha ( Eight fold path of righteousness ). Right thought, Right Speech, Right Livelihood, Right concentration were the foremost basic principles which appealed the mass and class alike.

Ashoka the Great ( 304 BC – 232 BC ) adopted Buddhism after the Battle of Kalinga and spread the religion far and wide. Bihar, Orissa, MP, Maharastra, AP became the target of his missionary work. Karnataka was under the shadow of Jainism which was initiated by his grand father Chandra gupta Maurya ( 342 – 290 BC ) He relinquished his throne in 298 BC in favour of his son Bindusara and settled down at Shravanabelagola under his Guru.

The worship of Buddha as the guru in the form of a statue was the most important development in the rapid spread of religion far and wide. The earlier stupa worship like the Linga worship did not convey the right message to the masses. Once image worship was encouraged, the religion got firmly embedded. The Hindu priests were shocked and in retaliation they too started building statues of Shiva. Than the fable of Ramayana and Mahabharata were created to introduce more characters into the mind of the masses.

One of the greatest contribution of the Buddhism was elimination of animal sacrifices. This was used by the Kalabhairav segments of Hinduism to formulate propagation of Shiva’s extreme form of anger. This sect was formed as a counter ploy to the growing influence of Buddhist and Jain religion. Most of the Buddhist and Jains vacated their places due to the animal sacrifices. Thus the revival of Hinduism was ensured by the powerful followers of Shiva. The Linga was complemented with various forms of Shiva, including the rudra tandav style of Nataraja. Some forms were later adopted by Vaishnav followers to propagate Hindu religion. The brahmanical segment followed Shiva and others were initiated into Vaishnavism.

Buddhism in general seems to systematically laid the code of life in general, and all other religions started imbibing the good tenets modifying according to their territory. No wonder Christianity and Islam have been heavily influenced by Buddhism. Now the clincher is that Buddhism is essentially a part of Hinduism. So the root of all religion is essentially Hinduism, which may be radical conclusion, but if one probes deeply one is inclined to arrive at this conclusion without bias.

The missing years of Jesus Christ from the age of 12 to 30, does give a clue of his learning from Nalanda university and the Buddhist monasteries in Tibet. It is surmised that the moral teaching of the Buddha has four remarkable resemblances to the Sermon on the Mount.

Common thread :

Buddhism : Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.

Bahai : Ascribe not to any soul that which thou wouldst not have ascribed to thee, and say not that which thou doest not

Christianity : Do to no one what you yourself dislike

Confucianism : Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.

Hinduism : One should never do that to another which one regards as injurious to one’s own self. This, in brief, is the rule of dharma. Other behavior is due to selfish desires.

Islam : Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you.

Jainism : Nothing which breathes, which exists, which lives, or which has essence or potential of life, should be destroyed or ruled over, or subjugated, or harmed, or denied of its essence or potential.

Judaism : You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your kinsfolk. Love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD.

Sikhism : The truly enlightened ones are those who neither incite fear in others nor fear anyone themselves.

Taoism : Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jack the Ripper Cover Up ?

The mystery of the real identity of  Jack the Ripper still eludes the public domain even after 123 years.  The macabre  type and almost ritualistic serial killings of  women who were mostly harlots sent shock waves across the U K. 

During the 1880 s UK was plagued by recessionary trends with rising unmeployment, hunger and deprivation for common man.  Added to this the woes of immigrants Jews from Russia and Irish folks created a deep poverity striken atmosphere. 

The History of murders by Jack the Ripper is described in Wiki in depth, here are the extracts :

'Canonical' five

Mary Ann Nichols (nicknamed "Polly") was killed on Friday 31 August 1888. Her body was discovered by market porter Charles Cross at about 3:40 a.m. on the ground in front of a gated stable entrance in Buck's Row (now Durward Street), a back street in Whitechapel 200 yards from the London Hospital. Her throat was severed deeply by two cuts; the lower part of the abdomen was partly ripped open by a deep, jagged wound. There also were several incisions running across the abdomen, and three or four similar cuts on the right side caused by the same knife used violently and downwards.[12]

Annie Chapman (maiden name Eliza Ann Smith, nicknamed "Dark Annie") was killed on Saturday 8 September 1888. Her body was discovered about 6 a.m., lying on the ground near a doorway in the back yard of 29 Hanbury Street, Spitalfields. Like Mary Ann Nichols's, her throat was severed by two cuts. Her abdomen was slashed entirely open, and it was later discovered that the uterus had been removed.[13]

Elizabeth Stride (nicknamed "Long Liz") was killed on Sunday 30 September 1888. Her body was discovered about 1 a.m., lying on the ground in Dutfield's Yard, off Berner Street (now Henriques Street) in Whitechapel. There was one clear-cut incision on the neck; the cause of death was massive blood loss from the nearly severed main artery on the left side. The cut through the tissues on the right side was more superficial, and tapered off below the right jaw. That there also were no mutilations to the abdomen has left some uncertainty about the identity of Elizabeth's murderer, along with the suggestion her killer was interrupted during the attack.

Catherine Eddowes (also known as "Kate Conway", "Kate Kelly" and "Mary Ann Kelly", from the surnames of her two "common-law husbands", Thomas Conway and John Kelly) was, like Elizabeth Stride, killed on Sunday 30 September 1888. Her body was found in Mitre Square, in the City of London, three-quarters of an hour after Stride's. The throat was, as in the former two cases, severed by two cuts; the abdomen was ripped open by a long, deep, jagged wound. The left kidney and the major part of the uterus had been removed. She was 46. Her and Stride's murders were later called "The Double Event" in the media, and across London.

Mary Jane Kelly (called herself "Marie Jeanette Kelly" after a trip to Paris; nicknamed "Ginger") was killed on Friday 9 November 1888. Her gruesomely mutilated body was discovered shortly after 10:45 a.m., lying on the bed in the single room where she lived at 13 Miller's Court, off Dorset Street, Spitalfields. Her throat had been severed down to the spine, and her abdomen virtually emptied of its organs. Her heart was missing.

ACK :  Video courtsey youtube and article based on Wiki.

Moon Landing is an SFX ?

I am intrigued by the fact that if Man could land on the Moon vide Apollo 11 mission on 20th July 1969, why not in recent times such Moon Landings have not taken place.  After 5 succeessful missions to the Moon till 1972, suddenly there was a lull in Moon Mission.   If the Americans can land on the moon 5 times why not some other nation like former USSR, or Great Britian, China or even India.  Indian Chandrayan mission a few days back was aborted after successfully oribitting the Moon.  This has proved to be a dampner to the Indian scientific community. 

There is a popular perception that US moon landing was a fulfillment of  Kennedy's dream for sake of American public.  By the turn of this decade that Man Americans will be landing on the moon uttered Kenndy..  During the cold war days missile development program was strongly opposed in general by public and politicians of the time. Russians were off the block first with,  Yuri Gagarin became the first human being to have seen the outer space on 12th April 1961, which triggered panic buttons in US that the Russians might over take them in mission to land man on the moon. 

The interesting anecdote of Gagarin's experience on the flight was the utterance that the Earth was blue and how wonderful and amazing........ He was also quoted out of context by Khrushchev  that Gagarin flew into outerspace and he didn't see any God there taking a pot shot at believers.  Gagarin being baptised in church could never have uttered such blashmey confirmed Colonol in his justification.

Some of  the interesting findings have been beautifully captured in various interviews among experts in the fake moon landing videos posted on the youtube.  In fact Moon Landing has clearly proved the superiority of the Hollywood studio production capabalities with space odessey as a theme which was conceived for a film.  The photography added  to visual effects by superior lens created by Carl Zeiss, accordingly enabled to capture crystal clear images, which may never have been released to the market in view of its strategic importance.  There is an interesting quote by one of the authoritative sources, that it was promised if hollywood can pull of the Moon Landing we would ensure that one of their fellowmen would also become the President.  Behold it was a prohecy come true and so did the cowboy actor legend Mr Ronald Regan become the President of  US in 1981.  Dictionaries released in 1980 predicted that Mr Ronald Regan would be a sure shot the Prez.  His approval rating are amongst the highest for all time Presidents.

The Soviets lost out in the race to the moon with a major accident, when their shuttle blew up on the launch pad, destroying all the facilities, setting them back ages in the race for the moon.  The cold war was taking its toll on the USSR, and they instead focussed on build up of their army instead of focussing on the elusive moon landing.  Missile program and star wars became their focus instead. 

Cuban Missile crisis was the worst moment in the cold war regime.  Soviets had sneaked in war heads into Cuban territory as a retaliation for the Jupiter missiles placed in Turkey.  The US admn was taken by surprise, that they were not able to discover such a deployment which would jeaopardise their national security.  The Cuban dictator was warning USSR its allies, that US might use all its forces to destroy the missile in Cuba, before deployment.  He wanted USSR to undertake premptive strikes on US.  But luckily sanity prevailed and USSR proposed that US remove the Jupiter Missiles and in turn they will dismantle their Nuclear war heads in Cuba.  But in the propaganda war US had a morale victory since their public was not made known of removal of war head from Turkey.  It was a major disaster which could have lead to III world war, which was averted by Robert Kennedy and Krushchev giving peace a priority rather than Nuclear annihilation.  This particular fact was analysed in the Cuban crisis summit. 

It is absolutely surprising that even after the collapse of  USSR as an aftermath of Glasnost, that China has not embarked on the moon mission.  I sometimes wonder whether the Moon mission was a successful antidote to the cold war hostility.  The Moon mission itself was a clever ploy to de-escalate the Nuclear war head crisis.  China is fully focussed on its weapon deployment program steadfastedly more as a deterrant.  There is no threat for China, except for a miniscule one from North Korea. 

The Moon Mission of Indians have failed, and thankfully so the resources can now be diverted to other economic building activity.  Satellite launch programs will be on-going to keep the huge space organisation intact.  Can we witness any further attempts to land on the moon ?

Whether it is really worth to land on the moon and collect some rock samples.  Is it going to really yield any commercial benefits.  The much hyped Helium gases being present on the moon.  Helium is touted to be a panecea for power generation problems.  How far can we succeed in harnessing the green gas, whether technologically it is feasible is a key question ?

In conclusion the world will never get to know whether Moon Landing has taken place in reality.  Was it just another  trip to the outer space and back to the Ocean.  Techonology seems to be developing rapidly but the key question is whether US would like to make one more attempt at the MOON in current scenario.  What is the motivation ?  There is no cold war type of scenario, nor Missile crisis, nor carrot in the form of Helium.  At least we can be happy with the feel good factor that Man was on the moon................courtsey SFX.  It is difficult debunk the hoax moon landing but till it is proved otherwise, let us respect the sentiment of the scientific community and give it to Americans the credit for Moon landing.

Courtsey :  Wiki

Kennedy's goal was accomplished during the Apollo 11 mission on July 20, 1969 with the landing of astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, while Michael Collins orbited above. Five subsequent Apollo missions also landed astronauts on the Moon, the last one in December 1972. In these six Apollo spaceflights twelve men walked on the Moon. These are the only times humans have landed on another celestial body. The Apollo program, specifically the lunar landings, is often cited as the greatest technological achievement in human history

Ack : Wiki

Please check out the official version of the Moon Landing

ACK :  Video courtsey Youtube

Disclaimer :  This conspiracy theory may not hold water in test of time.  The proofs are not conclusive, but it make an interesting fiction like reading and watching.  So guys just enjoy the show.